Prager Ring - Strangenhäuschen in Aachen, Städteregion Aachen

Regional overview
Municipal overview
Detail view


Area size 7,600 m²
Availability Available area within Long term (> 5 years)
Area designation Commercial zone
Divisible Yes
24h operation No

Details on commercial zone

Close to the city and the Netherlands

Located northeastern to the city centre of Aachen, the business park is convenient in respect to traffic because of the close connection to A4 which enables also foreign purchasing power. The modified area use plan displays large area-retail. In the surroundings there are already located several smaller and larger retail businesses.

Area type GE / MI


Transport infrastructure

Freeway A4 0 km
Freeway A44 5 km
Airport Maastricht-Aachen 35 km
Airport Köln-Bonn 90 km
Port Liège (B) 40 km
Port Duisburg 115 km
Rail freight AC-West 4 km

Information about Aachen

Aachen's successful economy is indicated by the number of high-tech companies within the region. It would be difficult to find such a concentration and variety of technical and scientific potential in any other region of Europe. Research and instruction at the highest level are provided by five centres of higher education, including the world famous RWTH Aachen University. In addition Aachen has four Fraunhofer Institutes and the largest university clinic in Europe.

Contact person

Thomas Hissel
Stadt Aachen

In cooperation with:

Aachener Gesellschaft für Technologietransfer und Innovation AGIT mbH

Frank Leisten


Thomas Hissel
Stadt Aachen

In cooperation with:

Aachener Gesellschaft für Technologietransfer und Innovation AGIT mbH

Frank Leisten